Friday, April 16, 2010

Empathy or Apathy? A Question for Emotional Intelligence

Daniel Goleman on compassion Video on

Daniel Goleman's discussion on compassion solidifies yet one more reason why police officers need to learn and develop competencies in emotional intelligences. As Police Officers, are we really paying attiontion to the individuals we serve? Have we become narcississtic and self focused in a career that was created as a service occupation to keep the peace and promote safety for the quality of life, liberty and happiness our forefathers pursued? Can we find the altruistic joy that the default wiring in our brain would naturally promote if we hadn't become "too busy" in our daily work to stop and pay attention? What are the consequences of an apathetic police culture?

How do we use education to support socially conscious policing?

Emotional intelligence demands self awareness not self absorption. Mindfulness of emotions and behaviors requires daily individual reflection. The U.S. Department of Justice and COPPS Police Training Officer Program (PTO), teaches journaling as a process for self awareness whereby trainers and trainees take time to pay attention and write about their daily experiences. Through awareness and critical analysis of thoughts and actions, behavior can be changed. Individual life long learning is promoted through the reflection of action followed by the personal challenge to break past habituated responses.

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